Osteopathic Medicine is helpful for Adults, Children, Babies and Seniors
What is Osteopathy?
As Osteopaths, we look closely at your body's structure to diagnose and treat strains that are affecting your health. Bringing four to five years of full-time medical university training, followed by many years in practice, we have developed an ability with our hands to feel tensions, pain and strains with great sensitivity and accuracy. This way, postural strains and even acute injuries can be treated very gently and effectively, helping your body back to Health.
We are trained in differential diagnosis and work with bones, ligaments, muscles, fascia, blood and nerve supply to fully use the body's innate ability to heal itself. Our seven different treatment approaches encompass thousands of techniques. These allow us to create specific treatments that we continually adapt as your health improves.
At City Osteopaths, we have practitioners with a clinical focus on sports injury, concussion, headaches, chronic pain, traumatic accident recovery, jaw or sinus pain, orthodontic treatment support, fertility, pregnancy, babies and children. We are trained to provide treatment and exercises for any age, from sedentary workers to sports people. We work alongside doctors, specialists and ACC. Please see our team information here.
The body, within itself, contains a self-regulatory and self-healing system to combat disease processes.
A person is a unit in which structure, function, mind and spirit are interrelated.
Adequate function of the body's systems depends upon an unimpeded arterial blood and nerve supply, plus unimpeded venous blood and lymphatic drainage.
Osteopathic treatments involve a gentle, effective hands-on treatment following the whole body Osteopathic diagnosis.
We have Osteopaths who are extremely skilled in gentle 'indirect' (cranial or biodynamic) osteopathy and osteopaths who are very skilled in structural 'direct' (more physical) techniques, including gentle manipulation. Please let our reception staff know if you have a preference so they can help you book in with the right practitioner for you.
back and neck pain, any joint pain, sciatica
acute and chronic pain
muscular pain or fascial strain/postural issues
head injury, headaches, migraines, sinus and TMJ (Jaw)
sports injuries or work injuries, such as OOS
post-surgery recovery, stress, insomnia
digestion and bowel problems
women's health including fertility, pregnancy and post partum recovery
unsettled babies, children with growing pains etc
recovery from Long Covid
Neck and back pain
Post Concussion Syndrome
Shoulder, wrist and elbow pain
Hip, knee, and foot pain
Post-accident (i.e. whiplash)
Digestive problems
Immune system disorders
Bladder problems
TMJ (jaw) problems
Tiredness, chronic fatigue
Occupational overuse syndrome
Stress and anxiety
Sports injuries
Period pain, PMS
Fertility issues
Carpal tunnel
Children & Babies
Birth trauma
Irritable babies
Sleeping problems
Suckling problems
Tongue tie supportive care
Ear infections
Glue ear
Post operative
Recovery from accident
"Growing pains"
Wry neck (torticollis)
Balance difficulties
Fussy eating
Behavioural problems
Walking problems
Bowel problems (eg constipation)